Originally Posted By: Murph
Sounds like you are set. Eric Clapton unplugged is definitely a good quality recording. Be sure to take that one too. Adam will be cursing me for suggesting so many samples. Actually, I'm sure he will love to give you an extensive tour de sound.

Adam just sent a PM and said he was glad to have an excuse to turn the volume know up a bit more. :o) I told him to blame it on 'that guy' (me)! \:D Adam was a great host. He had chips and dip and I brought the Canadian beer, aye. (Moosehead) Reminds me of rick Moranis and Bob Thomas as Bob and Doug McKenzie in Strange Brew. I loved those accents. Hey, you hoser! Back off you knob! \:D


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."