Originally Posted By: Kruncher
LOGO programming language

When the Super Expander cartridge came out for the VIC-20, I wrote a version of "LOGO" that sat on top of the S.E.'s graphic abilities and let you use the familiar LOGO commands and syntax (and used degrees instead of radians!).

I also wrote a "Blazing Paddles" type bitmap editor, but since I was 9, my SAVE SCREEN routine would use an insane amount of tape space. I didn't quite grasp packing 2 colour nybbles into a byte and writing it to tape. So I wrote the ASCII numeric value linefeed delineated instead. Where you could pack, say, two decimal "5" nybbles into one character ((5*16)+5)=85 or a "U" in PetASCII, I would write it as: (space)5(lf)(space)5(lf) - taking 6-8 times more space than necessary.

Bren R.