
Both comments were quite helpful. I was lucky enough not to update itunes since I started at 7.7.11, so I have both features that you are talking about. The "Party Shuffle" does exactly what I want. However, I just wish that this were an option to do with every playlist automatically so that I don't have to update these new playlists every couple of weeks this way.


I know that I can do this by just manually deleting some of the Led Zepplin songs, but it is too much work to do that all the time. I have a "Metal" playlist with a lot of Metallica where I have the same problem. I just don't want to spend all that time doing this and I would like it to be random removal of some of the Led Zepplin. The Party Shuffle is the closest option for me.


I'm not sure what filtering you are talking about. Did you write a script for itunes or something?

- Nick