Randy, I certainly agree that this should be possible and although the Denon manual isn't entirely clear on the point(surprise)it does at least imply on p.42, by stating under "Parameter" that the rather long list of items following can be "called out directly" with the "Para" button, that it can be done. Maybe you should play around with Para a bit more to see if in DPLIIx mode those changes can happen.

It might seem a bit surprising that there doesn't appear to be more owners' experience with the matter here or elsewhere, but it has to be kept in mind that I've read that some Denon owners are so terrified by the thought of having to study the manual that they haven't even found the power button yet. They just sit there staring helplessly at their silent speakers, but able to take some small comfort from the fact that they won't have to worry about their receivers shutting down.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.