Originally Posted By: nickboros

I realize that unused headroom is simply unused. But, the new Denon AVR-790 that is coming out next month has a retail price of $500. It has MultiEQ, Dynamic Volume and EQ, accepts the new high definition audio formats as a bitstream and has 7.1 preamp outputs. Even if I get it at retail price to use it as a preamp with the Outlaw amp, it is only $300 more expensive than the Denon 3808. I can't see why spending an extra $300 for more headroom is a bad thing.

- Nick

You should go with your instincts Nick. The more amp headroom the better the fidelity of your sound. And for only $300 more..

For reasons not clear to me many people fail to appreciate the large instantaneous power draws of a kick drum, searing sax, fast violins or loud explosions. Better amps have the headroom available through large caps and more robust power supplies to respond to those demands. There is more detail and resolution of the sound. Its not just about distance from the speakers to seat or speaker sensitivity.

My rule of thumb is to estimate or look up the rated power demands of the speaker and then get amps with double the wattage. No such thing as excess headroom. Headroom is spare power that is available on demand. By definition its not being used. The whole idea is to avoid clipping the transients no matter how loud you like to play it by having that power available.

Its also why I'm such a big fan of the A-1440-8 and its stereo version the A-1400-2. Both are wonderful amps which do everything well and provide plentiful headroom for any speaker.
