For reasons not clear to me many people fail to appreciate the large instantaneous power draws of a kick drum, searing sax, fast violins or loud explosions.

Ooooh! I can answer that one.

1. Most people never get past the marketing fud that implies that the receiver delivers much more power than it does. 100w x 5 promises any one channel can deliver a maximum of 100w, but implies that the reciever is 100w per channel all channels driven.

2. Next you need to understand what transients are.

3. Then you need to figure out that transients draw a lot more power.

4. Then you get some receivers that list instantaneous power. I still havn't figured out if this number is meaningful or not (as it might apply to transients).

I bet that 90% of consumers never get past #1.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!