I had a very old Samsung for several years that died couple of months ago. I was going to buy the cheapest phone available but instead bought the iphone 3G on my wife's insistence. She had a Treo and had recently changed over to iPhone 3G trough her company. I am happy with the iPhone overall. Occassional dropped calls in an area can be potentially addressed by switching off 3G (through settings -> network) and changing to 2G, according to AT&T. 3G apparently uses more bandwidth for internet and less for voice than 2G. Two issues I find with iPhone is that the speaker volume at max setting is barely enough to hear someone on the other end if there is ambient noise as in outdoors. Secondly, it should come with a protective case. I bought an Otterbox Defender which is very nice and sturdy but adds a little bulk. I like the GPS, camera, internet access, e-mail, weather aspects of the iPhone a lot. There are myriad apps available that I have not explored yet. As a phone, ironically, I think it's just OK.

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