Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
I could write more, but most of you are probably inhibiting this as latent noise by now.

I find it all fascinating. I think I've wished all my life that my brain worked a little different from everyone else's, and I'm sure I've developed some superficial peculiarities, but when it comes down to it, I don't think mine can operate any more conventionally. The way you think seems to give you a pretty unique perspective. My first reaction is envy, but I think I'd be a real wuss about the negative aspects.

 Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
Every word a person says to me is collected, analyzed, compared with everything else I know about them and knowledge in general, finally adjustments are made to my view of them, and possibly the world if it helps my understanding. Then, I'm ready for the next sentence.

This makes me think that it won't be long before you know me better than I know myself. Scaaaaary. \:\)

 Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
The funny thing is I couldn't drive a manual transmission until I saw an exploded 3D animation of its internals.

That IS kind of funny. If anything, I think my brain is all too eager to satisfy itself with an unresolved view of things. Having to see how everything fits together seems so foreign to me, but also very cool. I wish I wasn't so lazy in how I accumulate knowledge. It's like I'm kicking my brain around along a path; If something sticks, cool, and if not, there will be something further up the road that will stick to whatever is exposed.

Anytime you want to write more about this, I'd be happy to read it.