Interesting read thanks for sharing the link. My symptoms seem to be superficially similar to those but that’s all. It’s only partly true when I tell people I’m “Dyslexic” which I think is often misdiagnosed from some other cause or causes. I just say that because people usually know what it is and because when I got tested at the request of a professor at UW Madison when I showed up at his office half a semester early to get the reading list telling him it was the only way I could get the required reading done by the end of the next semester. They determined I was eligible for special help and termed my condition “dyslexia.” I declined since I am a straight “A” student and didn’t want any medical record of any type of disorder due to how it could interfere with potential government jobs.

For the same job related reasons I’ve never gone to get professionally diagnosed but I and others have know there is clearly more wrong with my brain than is explained by dyslexia. One of the main symptoms is my senses are almost always on overdrive. In groups of people I hear and process every. I “feel” the moods of people around me. Needless to say I need a lot of time alone or I can get overwhelmed.

I’ve just seemed to naturally do things to take advantage of and or mitigate this. Being able to “read” people led me to become a very good interrogator. Also my squad always wanted me on point because I sensed things no one else noticed. I also found that running was self medicating. Not only can it be very solitary and meditative it also releases a cannabinoid that mimics the effect of THC which gives me a longer lasting calming effect.

I used to get curious about what is wrong with me but came to terms with being different long ago. It’s cool you might be onto something regarding your condition. Next question is what if anything can be done about it?


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