Originally Posted By: Argon
On a separate note, the LED TV's were not out (they were part of the rumour mill) when I was in the market. I have not done much reading except that the rumours were listing them as the next great innovation. Has that panned out?

There are LED back-light LCD TVs available, they have more accurate color temp, and zone-based back-light modulation, so it's an incremental improvement over the florescent back-light models. There are no pure LED-based TVs (LEDs are still too big to make up sub-pixels). There are some smaller OLED (Organic) which does allow for sub-pixel cells small enough. But the manufacturing process is still too expensive that there are no displays much larger than 20-some inches, and those cost nearly $1000 anyway.

Pioneer PDP-5020FD, Marantz SR6011
Axiom M5HP, VP160HP, QS8
Sony PS4, surround backs