She who must be obeyed won't go for in-celing speakers, so that is out.

I am definitely very fond of Axiom, so if Axioms are a good option given my limitations on space that would be great. Would something like this make sense:

VP100 as a center speaker with M0s on the left and right. EP 125 subwoofer.

I take it from the responses that having the VP100 and M0s in a cabinet would not be a horrible mistake. Am I reading that right? How would one "mount" the M0s in a cabinet, particularly when one is not even remotely handy.

On the subwoofer, the room is not what I'd call small(17 feet long, I think, and maybe 10 feet wide). Don't know if the EP125 would cut it in a room that large, but given that it is just a bedroom I'm not looking for overwhelming base. As I noted, I am looking to be able to hide the sub behind a plant (otherwise the aforementioned she-who-must-be-obeyed is going to nix the whole plan).