You are right about that(not holding your breath) in terms of the product finally coming to market. I would submit though that Emotiva, although not quite as delayed as the Outlaw Pre-Pro, could offer special deals on their product since because of the ongoing delays, a significant number of potential customers on their "pre order list" got tired of waiting and have gone on to make purchases elsewhere. For that reason they have created "another" pre-order list. I believe they will have to make it pretty attractive to get other people back on side.

Outlaw is in an even worse situation since they have gotten in bed with Sherwood Newcastle, a company that has always been notoriously late with product introductions. S/N is STILL having problems with the introduction of their new "flagship" AVR the R-972 with re-occurring "bugs". The Pre-Pro(997) that Outlaw is introducing is on this same platform and can't bring it to market until at least sixty days after S/N ships theirs to retailers. They are already selling an older Onkyo Pre-Pro on their website to make sales and keep some of their customers on board.

If anything I would bet that because of the loss of potential customers, when these products finally come to market we are going to see some pretty enticing packages. it should be interesting.