Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
 Originally Posted By: Dr.House
I don't know if it has been mentioned in this thread but the UMC-1 is being delayed...again. For those still interested in this product you should go over to their forums and read up on the latest information .

It is crazy over there. Dan sending out private messages to everyone to remain calm and respect each other, rampant flame wars, breakdown of discussion, ugly name calling, etc. The Emo Lounge is not a happy family right now. Very "emo" indeed. ;\)

Now I like my LPA-1, but the UMC-1 gets my vote for the Home Theater Vaporware product of the decade. They've been saying "soon" for three years now. The whole UMC-1 debacle is absolutely ridiculous. I had been on the pre-order list for 2.5 years when I finally decided that enough was enough and canceled. I wish the UMC-1 well, but I decided months ago that I'm not waiting for it any longer. It may be the best prepro ever made, but I've lost a lot of confidence in Emotiva's abilities because of this whole mess.

Of course, my alternative to the UMC-1 was always going to be the Outlaw 990 ... <crickets chirping>

Before long, I'm going to be driven back into the mass-market arms of Denon or Pioneer. Perhaps overpriced, but at least they're able to get stuff done. ;\)

It would seem that Emotiva and Outlaw have the same problems but for different reasons.

Emotiva is pretty much building a unit from the ground up while Outlaw got in bed with a company(Sherwood Newcastle)who has always been notoriously late with introduction of its products. It looks like, since they have little or no control over the hardware and software issues, by the time it comes to market(if it comes to market)the Outlaw 997 could already be two generations behind the mainstream products hence the price they would be asking would be "way out of line". I gather since they hooked up with Onkyo to sell its Pre-Pro they must be getting worried.

Despite its issues, it looks like Emotiva is at least in control of its own product and the price point for the UMC-1 is without competition.

Either way it is unfortunate and one would hope that this doesn't cause too much damage to these companies reputations(and bottom line) since they sell great products at great price points. Unfortunately, based on the forums, it looks like a significant number of people have tired of waiting and jumped ship to the mainstream manufacturers.