Check the classifieds in your area for stands. A can of black spray paint can do wonders. If you want shelves and storage, I would suggest one of those unfinished furniture stores/websites. Look for telephone stand or foot stool or bedside tables then you could stain whatever you buy to match your console. I'm assuming your still a student and wanting to save some money, so you can again go back to classifieds or second hand stores and see if you can find some matching bed side tables. Strip them down, put a little decorative moldings on them to dress it up, and again stain it to match. Just a couple of suggestions.

I needed some speaker stands years ago and found some in the classifieds for $20. I bought a can of black spray paint and a bag of sand to fill the pipes and they are still working great today.

HG Cherry M60's,VP150,Qs8's,EP350