Originally Posted By: cb919
 Originally Posted By: Argon
I went in to the Yamaha menu and set the sub to +3. I then set all other speakers at 0 and re-calibrated the entire set. The sub is the last speaker in the menu and when I got to it, it did not put out any sound at all.

Rob, it is this post that has me believing you have a problem with the amp on your sub. If the calibration test tones are not strong enough to wake the sub, it seems to me the problem cannot be with the receiver because this is not 'just' some LFE in a movie - it's a reference level pink noise tone - the sub should wake on that. Please correct me if I misinterpreted this post. I would also make sure JC is aware of this particular scenario.

Is there a flaw in my thinking on this?

You have stated it correctly. I actually sent 2 emails to JC last night and one at the crack of dawn this morning - as I thought of facts that I had left out. The e-mail I sent this morning is the one where I indicated that the test tone failed to wake the sub.

I was sitting in a meeting a few moments ago when I got a call on my Blackberry that I did not recognize the number. A lot of times I will let those type calls go to Vmail - but the meeting was boring so I jumped up and grabbed the call. Glad I did - it was JC. Based on the facts, he agrees with your assessment and to your point in an earlier post, they are sending a new amp to replace mine. Again, the customer service reputation played a big factor in choosing Axiom - now I can attest first hand to the quality of that service........Rob

"A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject" Churchill