Yeah Charles I’m not a Hitchcock fan, movies or TV either. I was more of a Rod Serling person. Also looks like my liking of older movies is different from audiosavant. I liked it when the good-guys were good and the bad-guys were bad and the good-guys killed the bad-guys w/o any moral ambiguity. Not that I don’t mind a complex story but it’s just, as you point out Charles, to often they come across as pretentious.

The other thing I like about older movies, often very older, is the dialogue and that they were more character driven. Not that I don’t mind a good action movie but I’ve seen enough car chases to know how they go. “G-Force” is the only recent movie with a car chase I liked because it was a little different. This really shows up in the anime I prefer which have less action and more character interaction like in “Death Note.” Now there’s a show that puts Hitchcock to shame IMO.

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