Originally Posted By: Craig_P
Without offending people, I must be so bold as to suggest if you don't like Hitchcock, you don't like film/cinema (at least as an art-form, vs movies as an entertainment vehicle).

I would also recommend Oldboy, but be forewarned, the film scores rather high on the disturbing scale.

So even though I like the works of Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh I don’t like painting (as an art form) because I hate the works of Claude Monet and don’t care for those of Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo Buonarroti.

I took a university course called “Film as Art” not one Hitchcock film was reviewed. What constitutes art is far to subjective for me to draw such a stark distinction, but to each his own. No offense take BTW. \:\)

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