I view music, movies, and books in largely the same way--I very much enjoy all three types of entertainment but I am hardly a student of either medium. For the most part, I watch a movie and I either like it or don't like it (to differing degrees, of course). The same is true for music.

That being said, I agree with Micah about stuff that is different. There are some movies, music, and groups that to me stand above the rest. In my case, that typically (though not always) is because the movie, song, book or whatever has broken new ground, at least in my experience. For example, my favorite movie of all time is Pulp Fiction. I think it has great dialogue and it was different than anything I'd seen at the time. In short, I think it truly is brilliant. Another example is the Red Hot Chili Peppers. While they were never my favorite group, I always respected them because I thought, again at least at the time and in my experience, that they were doing something nobody had done in terms of style. Finally, Vonegut is my favorite author. I've never read anybody who does literature like he did. Again, I think his work is just brilliant (particularly Slaughterhouse Five).