Originally Posted By: NDinUSA
Zask - I also like the loudness EQ especially at lower listening levels. Great sounding machine. As far as the room EQ, the 307 only has one notch filter for lower frequecies. I'm trying to do this from memory, so I may not get everything correct. In the EQ page, there should be access to a tone generator. Using an SPL meter (or by ear if you have good ears) and the tone generator, scan thru all the frequecies. The freqency that causes the loudest level on the SPL (or by ear) is the frequecy that should be notched a bit. Lower the db level of that loudest sounding frequency to a level of about the rest of the frequecies (they will all vary somewhat). Do this from about the position where you will sit the most as different areas of the room will produce different results.

Did you get your sub to produce results in stereo? Have you tried setting your 307 sub out setting to "ultra"? I like that setting the best. And if I have to tweak the sub level for different movies, then I can just use the remote to adjust it down or up.

Thanks you cleared up the room EQ question for me, I was thinking there were " multiple" notches okay I understand that.

I got sub to come on when I set speakers to small in stereo.

Ultra sub setting??? this is new to me I will check that out thanks for sharing