Its so interesting how much the VP150 seems to be effected by room placement. Much more so than the rest of Axiom's offerings. While Axiom has supporters and detractors for ALL of their products, the 150 seems to be the one exception where even the biggest fans of Axiom products can be at odds with it. There is truely a love/hate relationship with the VP150 on this forum.

I love mine, even bolted to the ceiling. And many others here wouldn't trade theirs in on anything else either. And hearing these claims tend to baffle us, leaving us wondering if they got a bum unit or something. "Hollow sounding? How could anyone come to that conclusion..." is the first thing that pops up in my head when I read these cases. Similar to what most M80 owners thought when Bob came on here and complained about his M80's sounding way too harsh, or bright. "Bright??? How could anyone consider the M80 as a 'bright' speaker"???

And yet there is a rather large crowd that gets less than stellar results with their VP150's. A large enough crowd that it can't just be dismissed as a fluke. So no matter how fabulous it works in my personal HT, it makes me wonder if it should in fact be redesigned to perform better in a wider range of applications?

Or perhaps the problem isn't as wide spread as it seems here in this forum. Maybe the fact that we are in effect in the complaints department means we're subjected to a large percentage of those who are unhappy with their 150's, but don't hear from the majority of customers who loved theirs but never bothered coming on here to tell us, gives off the impression that its a lot less popular than it really is?

Either way it is disappointing to hear from those customers who aren't getting great results from their VP150's because I want them to be able to experience the same remarkable performance that I get from mine.

I suppose working in the complaints department of ANY company would be a bummer eh?

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD