If you want to avoid reading my rant then:

What CV said!

 Originally Posted By: audiosavant

I respect you Grunt, but really? What do you hate about us "liberals"? You really think that Republican rule has brought good things to this country? And aren't you ex-military?

I respect you too, for being a tad off beat and willing to speak your mind. Let me ask you one question (and pardon me if I’m reading to much into your post) but why if I hate “lefties” (my words) does it mean that I like “righties?” I despised the last Bush administration, their “neo-conservative” world view. Getting us into a completely stupid war in Iraq that violates all military principles I’ve learned for 40 years (yes I studied strategy/tactics as a kid). I had no problem with the Clinton administration (save his public disrespect of the office (I also liked Nixon save his criminal disrespect for the office)) because, despite the right-wing rhetoric it was about as middle of the road as it gets. President Clinton along with Prime Minister Blare were “Third Wayists” neither “conservative” nor “liberal.” I am a “leave-other-people-aloneist.” I don’t need people craving power or validation telling others that they can better run my life than they can. I hate modern “liberals” and modern “conservatives” equally. They are all IMO cut from the same cloth of authoritarianism despite some of their claims otherwise.

The intent of my comment was to highlight the inordinate amount of attention that people give to “talking-heads,” (not the band) who have no reason to be listened to save their “celebrity” status. Sometimes my mind connects dots like this “What’s her name we’re talking about” and all the Hollywood stars who were proclaiming that they would leave the country if G.W. Bush was elected. Their opinions are all equally worthless.

Sorry if my reaction seems over done but growing up in Arizonan culture in the 1960 I was raised to be a fiscal conservative and social liberal (Goldwater) and all the crap some of you are arguing about here now pollutes my state to a great degree because of the short sighted “liberal” policies that drove businesses out and cost of living up in the states that all these left and right wing nutcases that now live here baled from and came here to avoid. And now guess what they are doing here?

Just for reference I watch/listen to almost no “news.” When I did watch Brit Hume on FOX years ago I would change the channel when “What’s her name” came on I found her that disgusting. Now most of my news comes form NPR driving to work. They are decidedly biased to the left but at least try to present opposing viewpoints and do a much better job of it than the BBC IMO, sad because I use to really respect the BBC.


P.S. I support the secession of Arizona from the U.S. We held out, being the last of the 48 contiguous states and should never have given in. ;\)

P.P.S. I know, not gonna happen.


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