Originally Posted By: fredk

The government Levant works for denied Mr. Galloway entry into Canada. Mr. Levant is on the record as stating that Mr. Galloway was not a Canadian and as such should not have the same rights of free speech here as Canadian citizens should

That’s a very shortsighted political view (not to say U.S. doesn’t suffer the same in the area of immigration “reform”). A major reason England became such a strong economic power in her heyday (despite her small size) was that the English government tried to ensure a level playing field even for foreign companies doing business their. The English courts were seen as fair even to foreign competitors which made it a trade friendly environment. Nationalism scares investment away though not as much as instability does.

Sadly my experience dating back to the 1960s is that the lefties are just as quick to try and silence their opposition as the righties. As you said:

 Originally Posted By: fredk

To me Violence fits hand in hand with ideologically driven movements. Once a group believes they have the absolute high moral ground the end justifies the means.

Unfortunately the true believers of any side don’t only think they aren’t doing anything wrong but are actually doing good. True believers make me sick be they political idealists or brand fanboys. Sadly human nature is difficult even for the “educated” to overcome.

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