As a newbie here, it has been very easy to recognize the convivial familiarity so many of you long-timers share. We greenhorns look to your experience, sense of humor (to a man) and willingness to engage in just about anything interesting enough to tag a line onto.

That said, I was really surprised to read the exchanges over Rick's tweeter problem.

In a faceless meeting place, things can get a bit skewed. Typing and hitting "send" (and I do mean "hitting") is not even close to being there.

It seems that hardly anyone here was young enough to have been executing primary communcations electronically during their formative years. It's not how any of us learned to communicate, 'cause we all learned to do that in the real world, in real time, with the same facial and physical cues that primates need to know to stay out of trouble.

Everyone made valid points. Not one of you is a dullard or dimwit, so valid points are always around here in spades.

What you guys have shared together is so far beyond Axiom, speakers of any kind, or anything regarding A/V, or A, or V.
Don't let any of that be compromised over a customer service issue on which none of you has the last word.

The rest of us have too much fun watching you shit on each other when no one is hot and bothered about anything.

And see! You ruined Mark's party! I hope you're all happy. I knew there were girls hiding here!

Last edited by BobKay; 04/20/10 05:04 AM.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.