Murph, I read somewhere that Clash of the Titans was shot in 2-D and half way through the post production and CG work, they decided to jump on to the 3-D bandwagon and "convert" everything to 3-D. It was somewhat rushed, and again, the live stuff wasn't shot in 3-D to begin with, thus a less that stellar 3-D effect.

When I was in LA earlier this week, I was looking for a great movie going experience and I came REALLY close to seeing Clash of the Titans in 3D with DBox (motion seats), but the movie just wasn't appealing to me after all of the reviews and complaints about bad CG and bad 3-D. At least it wasn't appealing enough for the $25 (plus tax) ticket plus prime parking right in Hollywood. I am sure that it would have been somewhat cool for the DBox part, but I will have to wait until my next trip there later this year to see if there is a better movie playing.

Farewell - June 4, 2020