I have to admit that my following of your music links has been haphazard at best, and I can't say I remember what I've liked or disliked. And yeah, as that list of sub-genres indicates, it's a huge world of possibilities. I don't even know where to start. I can say I think it would be hard for me to get into anything that's too repetitive. I think I need something more obvious and attention-grabbing. Obviously if vocals are going to be involved, I tend to find it easier to get into female vocals. I think I'm hoping to find some modern day genius composers who just happen to use digital instrumentation that will show off what my system is capable of. Considering how oblivious I am to the whole scene, I'm not sure they're out there. I think I get a little turned off by electronic music where I can't sense an underlying human passion. Some grit and imperfection would be welcome, if that makes any sense, given that I'm asking for electronic music in the first place. So... any idea where I might start? I'll check out SomaFM.