Originally Posted By: SatKartr
If I remember correctly Randy did exchange components on his MPS-1 a number of times before giving up. A year or two later when I spoke with Lonnie he wouldn't even bother with replacing or exchanging anything, he simply suggested that the XPA-2 and the M80s were a mismatch and offered the suggestion of two XPA-1s to drive the M80s (at twice the price).

In that case it sounds like it's best to steer clear of Emotiva. I can't remember anyone having problem with Outlaw's amps driving any speaker. They are in about the same price category and you don't have to worry about the amp not working a year or two down the line. Or if you have the $2000 or $3000 to get the Axiom amp which would be better than just about anything else around at almost any price.