As the Dr. eludes to the sordid details of AV123s workings abound. I have no sympathy for it’s employees, venders and most of the customers who were duped. IMO they got what they deserved for not doing due diligence before entering into a relationship with AV123.

It’s also why I hesitate to enter into a business relationship with any company or individual that I know was in a business relationship with MLS. If I can spot a con from just internet form posts then they should have been able to see what they were dealing with. If they didn’t then they are to clueless to get a long term commitment out of me. If they did see it and carried on anyway then they are to shady to get anything out of me. Those that severed the relationship early score some points but not a full pardon.

Likewise I hesitate to enter into a business relationship with any company that promotes a rabid fan base. Thankfully Axiom doesn’t have a heavy employee presence in this forum and that which it does have isn’t likely to promote a “cult of personality.” This, coupled with the un-moderated nature of this forum (well occasionally some members get a bit zealous), and the open criticism of a few members, tends to “keep things real” here more than many other places devoted to a single brand.

Maybe a good time to resurrect this thread:

Online shopping: who are you really buy from

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