Originally Posted By: nickboros
I would consider the HSU ULS-15, which is right at your budget limit. It digs down quite low linearly (around 15 Hz) and there have been positive reviews. I bet for movies it has a thump-you-in-the-chest impact that (if the movie scene calls for it) some of the others may not because of the difference in driver size and amp in the ULS15.

The specs of the Epik Empire seem to be quite similar though, so between those two it could be pretty close. I recommended the HSU first because I haven't read any reviews of the Empire, but I have with the HSU. If there are good reviews for the Empire then it does seem like a better price.

The HSU ULS-15 is 1300 US - after shipping, brokerage and duty this one would be way over my limit. I've looked into the Epik, but according to the website, they only ship within the US?