
I have thought of this place as being the closest thing to (my) high school that I've experienced since, well, high school.

I can't be the only one here to have attended an male highschool
(actually one school, grades 7-12).

It stopped being single gender in the late 70's, but when I was there there were no female teachers, either. Gentility was expected publicly, but totally absent when no authority was in the vicinity.

All of the dynamics from there are here, without the fear of having a de-shod penny loafer heel whack you in the back of the head the instant the Master (that's what we had to call them) leaves the room. It's where I learned to swim (rather than sink)----Lord of the Flies.

I learned to swear there, profusely and creatively. There's nothing like spouting polysyllabics peppered with f-bombs.
I learned how to insult people for fun and profit and how to get away with things you're not suppsed to be able to.

Included in the unofficial curriculum--- how to hide, how to stand out, how to form a gang of pseudo intellectuals, how to wrest control of it (or anything), competition in overdrive, one upsmanship, avoiding the a-holes and making close friends who are still my closest friends 40+ years later.

It was all blanketed in Rock and Roll; the good, the bad, the ugly. Rock and Roll was the # 1 discussion/argument topic. Next came comedy, politics, literature, Boston teams, studies, army boots and your mother.

We were also lucky enough for some people to have siblings in edgy colleges. That's where we found our music, writers, etc.--all the things that were either frowned upon, dismissed, or banned---and hard to find.

There are qualities to an all male environment (Hail, Mary, for having the wonkies to visit here) that are definitely unique.

It is also quite stilted in a way that would make women run screaming. Not just because it can get guttery, but it can easily become estrogenic catatonia. Most would not be intersted in a lot of what is written here. Women are also far less likely to become rabid about even their greatest passions. Teeth and lip froth aren't women stuff.

I also see high school attitudes and behaviors here on occassion (and surer 'n shit, plenty of sophomorism to go around).

And its' all good, all great, and waaaaaay fcool. I have great fun, tons of laughs, lots of info and points of view to consider (and dismiss) and lots of gut-spilling---lots of gut spilling.

I just love poking through guts with a stick.

Thanks to everybody for making it exciting, depressing, intriguing, maddening, mean, compassionate, titilating, frustrating, thought-provoking, ridiculous, dumb, smart and funny---very, very funny.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.