Originally Posted By: Ken.C
I would wager that most people carrying an iPad don't fall into that category.

That is fair enough. I honestly don't know anyone that has one.

But, Ken, you'd be surprised how many people that have purchased an iPhone blindly. When Ian purchased his iPhone, he gave me a call. Now, this is a 34 year old mature man, and we never talk on the phone. When I picked up the phone, I was really surprised to hear his voice, and after saying hello, I asked him what's new, and no word of a lie, his reply verbatim was "not much, I'm just calling you from my new iPhone". He actually ended up reiterating it again. This was a year ago, and other then a call to wish me a happy birthday, we haven't talked on the phone since. We hang out in person instead.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.