Originally Posted By: CatBrat
I was wanting to upgrade my $500 Sony HTIB, but didn't know which direction to turn, because my only experience with speakers, was a Bose 901 Series II that I used to own (mid 70's to early 80's then they were stolen and I never replaced). I went through a long period, where I didn't listen to music much and didn't even own a TV.

I ordered my first pair of Axiom M22 with stands. It was a few months later, that I bought the Pioneer Elite reciever I have now. Listening to this combination was like audio nervana. I was in love.

Catbrat, you have similar histories. I too had the 901 series II I purchased mine in Germany while in the Army. I actually liked the sound they produced. I too went long without a TV or much music listening. I now have a Pioneer Elite 84tsx, and I want to get the M22v3's because I don't want to take up floor space. I'm thinking of the VP150 for center and the QS8's of course. I have to choose between the Hsu VTF-3 MK4 or the PB-12 NSD from SVS for the sub. I'm just apprehensive to pull the trigger. Don't know if I should get the M60's instead and take up the floor space. I know, I just need to order them and try them out. Thanks for the help everyone.

M22v3;VP150;QS8;Hsu VTF3-MK4 sub