Wow. I wish I had that cash to spend on subs.

Ideal sub placement is so much more than looking nice. Maybe the location(s) that get you the best results are in completely useless locations, like 6 feet from the left wall, and right in the location that you want to put a door.

Of course, more than 1 sub will help smooth out the bass, thus the reasoning that I am assuming you are looking at a couple of subs instead of just one, especially since any of the subs you mention will work great by themselves in that room for pure "power".

I've never compared these two subs (I own an SVS sub myself, but mainly because the Axiom subs years back weren't their strong point).

I am working (or should be working instead of surfing) on my approx. 14 foot wide, 24 foot long, 8 foot tall theater room and I already know that I am going to want a second sub.

I plan to put one up front behind my acoustically transparent screen/wall since my wife hates the cylindrical SVS sub I have, and then I am running another cable to a side wall location. I am fairly limited on placement options once I get into the room due to seating and walkway needs, so the best aesthetic and functional location will be the wall opposite the door coming into the room. I am hoping that just by adding the second sub and tweaking the placement of both a little bit, that I will get better overall bass response.

I like the idea, and have seen several "build threads" at AVS where people put 2 subs up front to have all of the "punch" and main sound come from the screen area. It clearly is working for them, even if it may be "less than ideal". As for placement, that really is something hard to tell until you get them connected up. You may find that the subs outside the main fronts sounds best for you (be careful of getting too close to corners) or inside is better. It sounds like you are looking for symmetry and looks, which is fine, but the layout of the room and sound treatments will become even more key.

So after all of this rambling, I can't help you out much. If I had to pick (or eliminate) something, I would pick one of the first two choices. All of the subs are really great, but having more than one should yield better quality throughout the entire room.

Oh, and just remember this. LED TVs are pretty much LCD TVs with a different lighting mechanism. They are said to run cooler, and have more picture "pop" and contrast, but that is from the light source. So if you see ghosting on LCD systems now, they could show up in that LED LCD you may look at later. (Some people can't see LCD ghosting, just like some people can't see DLP rainbows.)

Last edited by nickbuol; 10/02/11 09:17 PM.

Farewell - June 4, 2020