Library lending is not available here yet. However, I can definitely see why e-book sales are skyrocketing. Not only have I found I am reading more, it also makes it soooo easy to get new books that I have purchased more than I normally would as well.

For instance, I recently finished book three in the Song of Fire and Ice series. Normally, I would wait until I got to the bookstore someday, whenever I get the urge and the free time. In browsing at a real bookstore, something else might even catch my eye and I'd go another way. Eventually, I might even forget about that series, although I usually like to finish them if I enjoy them.

In any case, with the Kindle, as soon as you finish the last page, you are given the opportunity to buy the next book in the series. Of course, it's hot in your mind so if you enjoyed it, you probably will do so. In less than 60 seconds, you are already reading the next book.

They get you while you are still excited. It's a marketing person's dream.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.