I'll join in and send you all my best wishes for the holiday season and for 2012, but if you don't mind I'll forgo the picture.

I really do need to thank this little community for the posts here this year. I know that we all have our challenges of one type or another, but this year has been a tough one for me personally as I've been battling cancer. I was diagnosed in March and had both radiation and chemotherapy treatment in June and July and have been doing my best to recover ever since. I'll spare you all the details of this nasty process.

The cast of characters here has made that process much more bearable, as you've all provided no end of entertainment, enlightenment and education for me. So for your assistance (albeit unknowingly) in my ongoing recovery, I sincerely thank all of you.

To each of you and your families, and to our gracious hosts at Axiom I wish nothing but the best for 2012.