Originally Posted By: JBall
... hence why Axiom is quickly replacing it with a VP160...
LOL. The VP150 has been around for at least 7 - 8 years and the VP160 is still in "pre-order" phase...

You make a good point though. Any benefit noticed while "on-axis" would be gone once hitting "off-axis".

I have a VP180 here and the VP150 that it replaced. I have been trying to figure out what to do with it ever since I got the VP180. I should have put it on the Auction for a super low price and used the Axiom bucks for the VP180, but I didn't and now I have no idea what to do with it either.

There were mentions of things like a plant holder if you take out the speakers from the VP150, up to using it paired up with some M2s or M22s for a TV...

Here was my thread on the subject...
What to do with my VP150 if I get a VP180?

Farewell - June 4, 2020