Originally Posted By: Lampshade
We need to dance around to old tv theme songs more.

Do you ever feel that being an artist makes you hurt a little more or is that just a stereotype?

Of all the artists, musicians and writers I have known, I can think of only a couple who have not sought therapy. When you spend most of your time alone in your own head, you keep dragging more and more crap up there (brain hoarding). It gets so crowded that there isn't room for anything or anyone else and that's when the other components of your life start heading down the crapper. The level of success attained has no correlation to the dysfunction, from my point of view, especially when you add substance abuses to some of their lists.

So many were smart enough no to reproduce and drag a family through the uncertainties of a career in the arts. It's the ones who weren't that I feel badly for.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.