Originally Posted By: fredk
You rode nukes? Underwater? And you didn't tell us??

Did you, like, wear a 10 gallon hat and yell out yeeeehaaaaaaw?

I didn't "ride" nukes.. I operated a Nuclear power plant.... I was on a fast attack submarine, the USS GREENVILLE 772... One of the few U.S. submarine's to sink a ship since world war II... google it.....

Ever see "The Simpsons"? well, that cartoon was based off of what i did in the Navy, no joke... Sit at a pannel for 6 hours at a time and hope like hell none of the meters moved.... well, not "that" stressful, but if certain meters did move, bad things could happen fast, chernobyl, 3 mile island.....

I can't really say much about "where" we went... The one thing i can say is that i have been to the north pole... We were going to surface, but a stupid door that protects some of the sensors on the bridge messed up, and we couldn't punch through without causing like 10,000,000$ worth of damage... so, that part was a no go....

I was a "throttle man" for a while basically i controlled the throttles, hence the name smile ... being in control of 35,000 hp is kind of cool.... that number is from wikipedia, so take it for what you will... The torque number is classified... let's just say you could tell you were in charge of an A$$ Load of power, and leave it at that.. That was probably most fun part of the job...

Last edited by dakkon; 04/08/12 12:14 AM.