depends on how you take it... Many of my best stories, i can only share with people who were there with me...

lets just say, the purpose of a fast attack submarine is to kill other submarines, as well as surface ships.. Also, they are stealth machines read into that what you will....

One story that i can share was when we were going to Hong Kong. We were with a battle group, a carrier and several other surface ships... Well, we were infront of the battle group, and had to surface prior to pulling into HK.. Evidently when we surfaced, some of the people on the bridge of the cruiser we surfaced infront of were not use to a submarine "appearing" infront of them... The word that we heard, was that some people on the bridge of the cruiser was "WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT???"... To which they were told, "that's our submarine"... Evidently many people didn't even know we were part of the battle group....

The cruiser was even out of the same home port as we were, and had moored across the harbor from us many times!! When we were in HK, we moored next to the cursor above, we got electricity from them... The story above was recounted to quite a few of us, so i am going to guess it was true....