This thread is political in nature. Many people will become offended by some comment, some viewpoint, or just because they want to. Most political threads get way out of hand. Be nice!

My take. Obama is terrible. Worse than anyone else? Well, that is debatable since many previous presidents were bad for different reasons. The only way that I will ever feel really good about a candidate or president is when they start working for the people, and not for a select few constituents, or to be able to take vacation number 27 on taxpayer dollars, or to go puff out their chest to other countries, or to just line their friends' wallets with earmarks or bailouts. The political scene in the US, especially the higher up you go, has been so corrupt for so long that I can't see how any potential president could turn this ship around.

As for who is going to win the election, despite the terrible "approval" ratings (again, not just with our current president), it will basically come down to the people that just don't care to vote. They are sick of things to a point that they don't even want to participate. They are the key mass of citizens (and non-citizens) that will once again give us a 2-term president.

From a statistics perspective, I was told that only one time in history was a president up for reelection and he didn't win.

The last go around, people reelected someone that was said to be a destroyer of other countries. This time around, we will reelect someone who is a destroyer of this one.

Fire away folks. Just keep things civil.

Farewell - June 4, 2020