Here is one for ya trevor. And for whats it worth i dont believe in magic wire lifters or fancy interconnects just so you know where my head is at.

For a while now i have felt that my right speaker was louder than my left speaker. I tried all the usual stuff, moved the speakers, switched channels on amp etc and i wrote it off to being more deaf in the left ear than the right. I have 2 amps, XPA 3 and XPA 5 and they are side by side on a entertainment unit. One day i decided to put my front L +R onto the XPA 3 , after that i realized that the left channel now seemed to stand out more im like wtf. So time went by and i have sold my XPA 3 so i had to move the L+R back the the XPA 5 yesterday. Well as im reconnecting things it occurs to me that one speaker wire is longer than the other and i had swapped them since the XPA 3 is closer to one speaker than the other and the speaker wires did not reach. The speaker wire was only 18g so i went to my cable closet and got out my 14g speaker wire and cut 2 equal length ,tinned the wires and put on my banana plugs and hooked everything up to the XPA 5, and now everything seems perfectly balanced. Have i just been schooled after 30 plus years of audio. This was never a problem in my previous home and only started in this house which is where i installed the 18 gauge wire ,whereas the old house i had 14g. Never to old to learn i guess.

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry