Interesting... my first thought is "I would really like to hear what you think when you compare them", which I realize is not particularly helpful.

In a music system I would probably swap out the Klipsch speakers in favour of the Axioms, but in an HT system I'm not so sure.

The Klipsch speakers you have seem to be highly regarded within the Klipsch lineup, as a bit of a "sweet spot". That said, I expect the QS8's would give you an even more seamless surround effect than the Klipsches, although they don't go as deep in the bass so depending on your A/V receiver you might have to shift the cutoff between sub and "everything else" up a bit.

It's a tough call, and gets into nuances like main-to-sub crossover frequency. The QS8's and VP150 are probably best with 80Hz cutoff, while the Klipsch speakers you have are probably OK with 60Hz, for example. The M80s are OK even down to 40 but AFAIK most AVRs don't let you pick a different cutoff per speaker (my HK 630 does so I'm a bit spoiled).

If I didn't live on the other side of the continent I would be tempted to drive over and see how they compare. I don't get out to Microsoft much these days (the only chance I get to visit Seattle), although when I drive out to Boomershoot I run into a lot of MS folks down in Idaho.


Last edited by bridgman; 01/20/18 06:20 AM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8