Originally Posted By Mojo
You know what? I really wish Axiom hadn't built this damned thing. Two speakers 16" apart is never a good thing. Now it's just gonna distract everyone at the factory and the lab from what really needs to get done.

Is there a list?

BTW Chess, you need to upgrade to v4.

I've got my resistors in place with my Ti versions!

I am however considering some replacements in the relatively near future. OLED has finally come along far enough for me to pull the trigger and replace the very aged Toshiba RPTV. The next unit will likely be 75".
In doing that, i might replace the VP150 with a larger VP160.
In making those changes, i'll also need a new receiver that actually has HDMI connections.

There's a real cascade effect coming soon.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."