Okay, I changed up my plan a little. All of my dental should be covered by my HRA, so it was a matter of getting reimbursed for what I already had to pay out of pocket since the card didn't work initially. It should be resolved now, and I finally saw the reimbursement amount in my checking today.

With that hopefully sorted, I decided I'd better go ahead and take advantage of the Black Friday deal. I'm holding off on the LFR180 for now, though, and I AM getting the other two M5HPs I wanted to replace the rear surrounds, along with stands for them. I'm trading up my 4 QS8s and single M22, so I'm not out much out of pocket, and I had a slight amount of PayPal balance to use up as well. Now I just need to communicate with Axiom and see how much I need to pay for return boxes and shipping labels for what I'm trading up. The only boxes I kept around are for the LFR1100s, apparently.

I've been impressed with the M5HPs as side surrounds! I haven't made a ton of time for Blu-rays lately, but when I have, they've been impressing me with their clarity and output. I still haven't done any experimenting with them as mains. Once I get the pair I just ordered, I'll try a single first as the center channel, see if it feels adequate vs. the VP180. I'm still unsure what I want to end up with as my center channel, or if I'll simply stick with the VP180 until down the road. It's not like it's not performing.