I say we put Gene in Axiom's anechoic chamber with whatever speakers he wants, lock him in, and never let him out. hehehe

I've run into him at Cedia before. He struts around and thrives on the attention he gets.

There are so many opinion-only based videos that he has put out there. Heck, keep in mind that he has his own published video saying that Atmos is a joke, and later that DTS:X is amazing. His reasons for bashing Atmos as a gimmicky fad are the same reasons he says that DTS:X is so great.

This is an indicator of his entire career. His videos with Hugo were laughable at best. Scripted (poorly), and Hugo would have pre-planned questions that were one-sided that Gene would answer. The two were quite silly to watch. Now Hugo is gone, and that is good. He was almost harder to listen to than Gene, even though Gene was the puppet-master in the videos.

Note that I haven't even gotten into the history of Gene and Axiom, but specifically wanted to give an example of his nonsense that has nothing to do with Axiom at all. That video that I mention was from a while back. I stumbled across it by accident and swore that I wouldn't (intentionally) watch any of his biased videos ever again... Until recently when YouTube just auto-played one of his videos that it thought was related to something else that I had finished watching (which is where I heard that Hugo "left the company").

I think that if he focused on giving his opinion, but stating that they are his opinion, vs stating his opinion but stating it as fact, then he would be someone that I could possibly tolerate. I just greatly dislike people that are deceitful like that. I used to feel like I was on a crusade to "save the world from the lies and deceit" even when not intentional, but that just wears me out. That is why I haven't really posted much in this topic.

I used to really jump in to share my knowledge (based off of research, not opinion) for a few key home theater topics... Dolby Atmos and DTS:X (mainly back when they both first came to home theaters and people struggled to get information), room soundproofing, and room acoustics (for beginners or people that don't want to get to the step of measuring their rooms, but general acoustical treatments). I used to jump in to try to share factual information when people were going down a wrong path and offer insights and ideas, but again, it gets tiring trying to save the world from themselves.

That being said, it would require a full time effort to correct Gene's mis-guidance and false information. I don't have that energy any more.

Farewell - June 4, 2020