I'm back, and I'll try to be terse because I know I've gone on a bit in this thread.

First off, I'm a hypocrite. Even though I complained about the M22s going away, and later said I wouldn't return them because I ordered them knowing they were discontinued ... I wound up not being able to tune them to my liking. So I upgraded to M5s.
Axiom was great as always, giving me full credit even though I was over by a few days.

My final word on the M22s is I think the v2 was more enjoyable than the v4. I can't say better, but I definitely preferred listening to the old version more.

But the M5v4s take the prize across the board. I won't list the categories, but the M5's win in all of them. When I was talking to Debbie@Axiom at one point during the upgrade she mentioned she considers the M5's towers disguised a bookshelves, and I completely agree; they are powerful full-range freakishly awesome speakers!

So anyway, my missing harmonic during Rachmaniov's 2nd is back - and I'm a happy camper!

And on a completely unrelated topic, as part of my birthday present my wife said she's okay with putting towers in the living room. So now I have to decide between M60s and M80s. Such a decision, this will take months!