Cool beans!

Mojo, there is a point of diminishing returns like anything else. Once the speakers are far enough away from the wall that the bass no longer couples at all there is little benefit to moving them out further. I wouldn't bother with more than 4' unless you have a space that is huge and single purposed with subs. In that case..... mwa ha ha ha ha!

4' is the 1/4 wavelength of 80hz or so. Beyond that is pointless if you have subs IMO. Look up Allison Effect.

In Kodiaks room the speakers are able to be placed closer than the ratio implies, because we are able to place the listener in an ideal spot and place the speakers at ratios from the front and sidewalls that are not going to cause a deep bass cancellation.

It is fun to put speakers way out in the room, I think Brwsaw did it. But not really practical once the vacuum comes out...