Hi guys,
Thank you for all the suggestions. I am almost sold on getting a pair of new QS8s and VP150. I just have couple of small questions. For wall mounted QS8s what connectors do you use: bare wire, pins, banana plugs, spades? Basically, it does not look on the picture like pins, banana plugs will simply fit when hanging on the walls. Secondly, How long does delivery of non-outlet QS8s take in Eastern US? Thirdly, does anyone has any experience with http://www.accessories4less.com/Amazing/itemdesc.asp?CartId=EVEREST-14535755DKVBO488&ic=PR%2D360&cc=&tpc= wire? How flat is it really or should I just go with http://www.accessories4less.com/Amazing/itemdesc.asp?CartId=EVEREST-14535755DKVBO488&ic=HT%2D360&cc=&tpc= if I want something unobtrusive despite much thinner wire?
Thanks again!