Sorry for my ignorance, but here is my understanding
how bi -amp works for AVR with separate amps for each channel.

for ex. PE 45 TX is 7.1, but it might be switched to 5.1 and two rear back will be used for 1. A/B or a second zone
If I use A/B and connect surr back to tweeter terminals on the speaker and main fronts to woofer terminals then AVR will supply 100W (tweeter) + 100W (woofers) after filtering by capacitor/coil ( simple crossover) effective power will be reduced to, let say 70W (woofer) + 70W ( tweeter )

the main idea is that by using separate amps we avoid damaging/distorting tweeter/highs when ( if using the same amp ) lows drow most of the power and tweeter distort sound.

So, it is not about power gain, it is about cleaner/safer sound.
And, once again, of course, you will HEAR almost no difference - and that is a good thing if you crank your system's sound all the way up