Hiya TonyM. You will really enjoy your SVS and Christmas won't get here soon enough! Just a question - did you discuss the 16-46 PC+ choice with the good folks at SVS?

I have a 352 sq ft/3520 cu ft room and SVS sold me down/guided me to the 20-39 PCi and it has proven to be excellent. I don't run the thing at ear-splitting, chest crushing levels, but I clearly do not need more sub. I certainly WANT more sub, but it would be overkill. I run the gain at about 45% and the sub is set at 2.5 db on my Denon 3803 and the settings cause my fireplace tools to vibrate. Aside from the $$ savings in relation to the Plus series, Erik at SVS explained that there is precious little out there that requires 16hz (unless calliope music is one of your favorites ). His counsel was that 20hz is more than adequate for the low end and the 20-39 would provide more headroom if I decided louder was better. Just some stray, unsolicited input for you.