Hello Ray3,

Hope you are well. You got me thinking. So, I have just looked through my CD collection and I have one CD with music played on the Sydney Town Hall Organ. This organ is one of only 2 in the world with a 64 foot tall C-1 note reed, that translates to 8.18Hz. Obviously with my current equipment I have never felt that note before, and probably never will with the full impact without visiting Sydney for a concert...hehe. Another instrument that goes pretty deep is an Imperial Grand Piano, lowest note is C0, or 16.35Hz, this is also the lowest note for a Tuba. Moving up from there the lowest bass guitar strings are C#0, at 17.32Hz. That last one probably plays fine on the 20-39Pci.

I will probably try that 12Hz tuning point and see what 8Hz feels like, at least I will never feel like I am missing the low end.

Thank You for getting me thinking, and truely evaluating my decision.

